· By Joe Farafontoff
The first 30 days of quitting coffee
What was it like? How difficult was it to quit coffee? Did you feel side effects?
Over the past month, I made it my mission to quit drinking coffee. There were many ups and downs, and this was my journey.
I want to begin this by saying I’ve wanted to quit drinking coffee for many years, but its considerably easier said than done. It’s one of the things that you procrastinate on over and over, but once you rip the bandaid off, it's totally worth it.
Coffee is great, but it also has lots of downfalls. Lots. Most days I’d drink coffee within 10 minutes of waking up - the type of person who said “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee.” By 2pm I would have an energy crash and would either need to take a nap or do push ups (it was usually the nap). On other days I’d drink my coffee and instantly get jittery and feel the jitters throughout my entire body. Which would lead to chugging water, which would then lead to half a dozen trips to the bathroom. Regardless, coffee has lots of downsides and only one upside: energy.
Throughout this journey, I allowed myself to drink Shroof. Shroof is a coffee alternative super drink that uses 10 organic ingredients (4 of which are mushrooms) to keep you focused and energized throughout the day.
Day 1:
The first day went exactly as expected. Tired but luckily no headaches. I made Shroof in the morning which I believe helped considerably. It alleviated much of the cold turkey coffee quitting symptoms. Shroof has about a 1/5th the amount of caffeine as coffee, so it really helped with quitting coffee. By 2pm I was exhausted and took a nap. The rest of the day went well with it’s ups and downs.
Days 2-5:
These were certainly the toughest days of the month. I was tired and hungry all day everyday. I knew going into this the first week was going to be the toughest, and it certainly was. I had no motivation to grind at work. My only saving grace was drinking Shroof. It kept me uplifted and alive through what would’ve been a pretty gnarly transition.
Days 6-10:
The cravings for coffee appeared. My body wanted to be pumped full of caffeine, but my mind was telling me no. It’s quite incredible how the body can crave something like this. But I guess when you’ve had the same habit every morning for 10 years, you become used to it, and when you don’t have it, it can be hard to overcome.
Days 11-20:
After the first 10 days, things began to mellow out. I believe my body was like “welp I guess we’re not going to be having any more caffeine today.” Quitting coffee was really a matter of getting through those first 10 days successfully. Granted, drinking Shroof to ease the transition was certainly helpful. I won’t deny that.
Days 21-30:
During these days, I was able to settle into a routine. My sleep schedule improved, dreams were more dreamy, and I wasn’t immediately jumping out of bed looking for coffee. Instead, I’d slowly wake up, walk around, play with the dog and ease into my day. My routines have been changed for the better, and my body feels much better.
After the 30 days, my body seems to be producing its own energy (crazy who would’ve thought), and I’m not crashing at 2pm. I can feel that my body is happier without the need to pump itself full of caffeine first thing in the morning. I will say Shroof was a major player in this transition period. It provided the focus and energy I needed without a massive amount of caffeine.